Hmmm... 6000 words in 4 days, and how many days left!?
Boy oh boy, watching CNN, then the NBC live feed on CNBC Europe, then the NBC feed on German TV, was a waste of time. Tuesday night and Wednesday totally threw off my schedule. Up until then, I had been doing fine on writing. Well, not fine, but I had a daily schedule and I was sticking to it. Then I spent 12 hours with the TV blatting. And for what?
Finally got back to harp practice yesterday. The German channel which was showing the NBC feed until 1130 had a simultaneous voice-over translation, so I stopped listening to most of it and messed around with my harp while only watching the TV. That actually didn't go too badly. I'll have to think about doing that more often!
Of course, my harp decided to react to its sudden exertions after 4 months of inactivity by breaking a string while I was taking a nap. How nice of it! Who needs an alarm clock when you have a harp?
On NaNo news (OK, I've officially had too much caffeine... I just had a vision of a humanoid alien holding up its hand and saying "NaNo NaNo". Shoot me now!), I've got about 4000 words scrawled but not yet typed. Gee, if I keep it up at this rate, I'll have a whole 30,000 words done by the end of the month.
Most interesting of all, though (at least to me), is the sudden plot twist that arrived while I was scribbling. My main character's father just revealed to me a hint of why the family recently moved to the area where they now live, as well as the fact that he distrusts/hates bards, and certainly doesn't want his daughter having anything at all to do with the bard. Who has just asked the daughter's mother to start sending her to the castle for education, as (known only to the bard and to the lord whose court she is in) the kid is actually destined to grow up to be a bard, as well as something sort of like a Druid. Yeah, that makes sense, doesn't it? Until I started writing him, I had no idea what his backstory was. It all just sort of started coming out of him as I wrote. Huh.
Now if only the writing for which I actually got paid would do that! Well, I can always hope...