Don't like the weather?
Just wait five minutes, and it'll change!
Must be a slow blog day if I'm reduced to whinging about the weather, eh? Last weekend it was horrendously hot and steamy here. At least for me it was. My comfort zone tops out at about 26C, although I can tolerate pretty darned cold with no problems. But it was close to 30 last weekend and no breezes, nothing.
Now, though, is a completely different story. The last three days at least have been alternately raining, anything from a light drizzle to "can't see across the parking lot" downpours, hailing trying to change to freezing rain or snow (and the next town uphill from here got snow yesterday!), to bright sun, and back through the rain again. With quite a good wind going most of the time. I think it was supposed to get up to about 12C today.
Yes, I know, spring is a very changeable time, but this changeable?
Currently reading: Red Rabbit, Tom Clancy. Again. I think this is about the third or fourth time.
Currently hearing: nothing. Didn't turn iTunes on tonight, shame on me.
Cat activity: Sophie, sitting in the hall and trying to convince me to give her smoked salmon. Charl, turning himself inside out on the ironing board. He hasn't tipped it over yet...
NaNoNonsense status: still where it was the last time I reported here. I am seriously starting to hear the clock ticking in my head. Argh!
Just in case you don't know what NaNo is, it's for all of us (and you know who you are!) who have always said "Someday I'll write a novel". Well, someday is here! Sharpen your pencils, make sure there's ink in your fountain pen, get all the cat hairs off the keyboard, and as the clock strikes midnight on the first of November, sit down and WRITE! The goal is 50,000 words by the time the clock strikes midnight on the last day of November. Can't write outside November and have it count. NaNo is short for NaNoWriMo (, which in turn is short for National Novel Writing Month. Which is short for "it's already the 20th of November and I only have 10,000 words done and the in-laws are coming for Thanksgiving and the house is a mess and the kids just..." etc. Man, am I glad I don't have in-laws and I don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
If (hah! There's no one reading this, let alone reading my NNN at you're reading my NNN, don't get too attached to a lot of the characters. I'll warn you right now, several of them are marked for death. But their deaths will serve a purpose.
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