It's been HOW long???
A while, eh? Well, I'm still trapped in the NaNoWriMo. Even though the Mo is long since over, I'm still working on my mess that I started scrawling then. Hey, I've got it on line!
I've got a whole 24,847 words typed, but a couple thousand more written, and I've only been working on it since the first of November. Arg. If I could only learn how to do more than one thing at a time, or win the lottery (gotta play it to win it!), or something, I'd have more time to spend on my "novel." Gee, you don't think it would help if I quit getting into so many things, do you? Let's see, sewing, embroidery, lace-making, writing, trying to learn the wire-strung harp, reading anything that comes along, watching CSI, CSI Miami, one of the many Law&Order spinoffs, and Desperate Housewives, and oh yeah, working, maybe I've got too many plates in the air???
Now, if I could only train the cats to clean the house...or to type in what I write!
Actually, it's the writing that goes slowly, more than anything else. If I'm here at home, I've got too many distractions. I've actually done quite well going to a coffee house in Cologne, generally I can get 3-5000 words scrawled in a couple hours, but I can only do that on weekends. Pretty scary when the Starbucks employees start to recognize you... I've tried writing on the train to my harp lessons, since it's a 2-hour block of time each way, but that doesn't work as well. No discipline, I guess. Which is probably why I've let this blog go for so long.
The photo is my harp. Not actually my very harp, but the same construction/shape/etc. Oops, sorry, no photos. Well, if you know what the Guiness label looks like (you know...Guiness...the beer that eats like a meal...the nectar of the Gods) then you know what my harp looks like. Once I finish off the roll of film, I'll actually post a photo of my harp saying her first "words." I really feel sorry for my very dedicated harp teacher, he's got to be getting sick of me. But I am slowly making progress, which is I guess what counts. And I'm not learning to play the poor dear because I think I can be the next whoever, it's because I love the music genre and I want to be able to at least try to produce it.
Well, cats have been fed but I haven't, so I'm out of here. Maybe I'll update this again in another 6 months or so!
Currently reading: Catherine Coulter, "Blind Sided"
Currently listening to: Derek Bell (late Chieftains harpist), "Carolan's Receipt"
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